Give up being right
An enormous amount of energy becomes available once you give up the need to be right.
- Being right implies that someone else must be wrong.
- All relationships are damaged by a confrontation
between right and wrong
- The result is great suffering in the world
- To give up the need to be right does not mean
that you do not have a point of view.
- But you can give up your need to defend your point of view.
- In a state of defenselessness, you find invincibility, because there is no longer anything to attack
- We are all a single consciousness with unique ways of experiencing the world
- Wholeness is a state of profound peace and happiness
“If you never assume importance, you never lose it” – Tao

Re-source: Relinquish
Most people are trapped trying to impose their viewpoint on the world
- They carry around beliefs about what is right and wrong and they hold on to these beliefs for years
- “I am right” brings comfort but not true happiness
- The people you feel wronged by will never apologize and make your wounds and grievances go away.
- The people you Judge against will remain isolated from you.
- No one has ever been made happy, by proving that they are right. The only result is conflict and confrontation, because the need to be right always makes someone else wrong.
There is no such thing as one and only one perspective
- Right is whatever conforms to your perception
- You see the world as you are. Others see the world as they are too.
- As your consciousness expands, so does reality
craving and resource from “The Ultimate Happiness Prescription – the 7 keys to joy and enlightenment” by Deepak Chopra