ICRAVE Success in Truthful Living

You will be just what you think you will be. 

  • Slowly, step by step, your thoughts crystallize into action and out of this action there’s your material world, good or bad.

Self-belief leads to self-confidence.  It starts in your head and your heart way before it can manifest it to others.  In today’s world, self-confidence is manifest in both speaking and writing. 

  • The internet and social media has provided unlimited platforms of expression, and search engines have created instant ways to discover your thoughts. 
  • The key to speaking is your ability to engage emotionally. 
  • The key to writing and achieving is self-belief in clarity of thought. 
  • This also means not accepting criticism with anything but a thank you response.

Believe that what you say, do, or write about is from your heart, not just your head. 

  • Affirmations – Any idea, plan, or purpose may be placed in the mind through repetition of thought.

Adversity is a blessing in disguise. 

  • At the end of failure is the beginning of success, but most people are wallowing deep in self-pity and anger, and fail to see the golden ticket right in front of their face. 
  • It is up to you and your self-determination to get it going again. 
  • Positive perspective on adversity will give you hope and answers to whatever befalls you on your way to success. 

If you are looking to succeed beyond your wildest dreams, the formula is simple – find something you love, believe that you will succeed, and work harder than you believe possible. 

  • The result will take you all the way from success to fulfillment.

Image result for affirm success

Re-source: Reaffirm

Recite daily for self confidence building for success

  • I know that I have the ability to accomplish all that I undertake.  To succeed, I only have to follow this belief in myself with vigorous, aggressive actions.  I will follow it.
  • I realize that my thoughts reproduce themselves in a material physical state.  Therefore, I will concentrate upon the daily task of drawing the mental picture of the person I intend to be, and of transforming this picture into reality.
  • I am studying life and salesmanship with the firm intention of mastering the fundamentals and principles through which I may attract to me the desirable things of life.  Through study, I am becoming more self-reliant and more cheerful; more sympathetic with my fellow man and stronger both mentally and physically.  I am learning to smile.  The smile that plays upon the heart as well as upon the lips.
  • I am mastering overpowering the habit of starting something that I do not finish.  From this time forward, I will first plan all that I wish to do, making a clear picture of it, and then I will let nothing interfere with my plans until they have been developed into reality.
  • I have clearly mapped out and planned the work I intend to follow for the ensuing five years.  I’ve set a price upon my services for each of those five years – price that I intend to command through strict application of the principle, satisfactory service. 
  • I fully realize that genuine success will come only through strict application of the golden rule principle.  I will therefore engage in no transaction which does not benefit alike all who participate with me.  I will succeed by attracting to me the forces that I wish to use.  I will induce others to serve me because of my willingness to serve them.  I will gain the friendship of my fellow man because of my kindness and willingness to be friend.  I will eliminate from my mind fear by developing in its place courage.  I will eliminate skepticism by developing faith.  I will eliminate hatred and cynicism by developing a love for humanity.
  • I will learn to stand upon my feet and express myself in a clear, concise, and simple language, and to speak with force and enthusiasm in a matter that will carry conviction.  I will cause others to become interested in me because I will first become interested in them.  I will eliminate selfishness and develop in its place the spirit of service.

craving and resource from “Truthful Living” – First Writings of Napoleon Hill – with Annotations from Jeffrey Gitomer

Truthful Living: The First Writings of Napoleon Hill