How do you look at life?
The way you look at life is essentially a barometer of your expectations, based on what you’ve been taught you’re worthy of and capable of achieving.
There is no such concept as shortage or scarcity when it comes to the originating source.
- This Source can only work with you when you are in harmony with it!
When the frequency with which you’re vibrating is in contradiction with the frequency of the universal supply, you create a resistance, thereby inhibiting that flow of abundance into your life space.
- Your individual vibrations are the key to understanding the art of allowing.
Your feelings and emotions are sensational barometers for detecting resistance and evaluating your ability to experience success and abundance
- Feelings of passion, pure bliss, reverence, unmitigated optimism, unquestioned trust, and even illumination indicate that you desire to manifest success and abundance
Take the focus off of dollars and place it on creating abundant friendships, security, happiness, health, and high energy.

Re-source: Receptive
willing to consider or accept new suggestions and ideas
Implementing the intention of success and abundance
- See the world as an abundant, providing, friendly place
- Affirm: I attract success and abundance into my life because that is who I am.
- Stay in an attitude of allowing.
- Resistance is disharmony between your desire for abundance and your beliefs about your ability or unworthiness.
- Allowing means a perfect alignment
- Use your present moments to activate thoughts that are in harmony with intention.
- Initiate actions that support your feelings of abundance and success
- Act on those passionate emotions as if the abundance and success you seek is already here.
- Speak to strangers with passion in your voice. Answer the telephone in an inspired way. Do a job interview from the place of confidence and joy. Read the books that mysteriously show up, and pay close attention to conversations that seem to indicate you’re being called to something new.
- Remember that your prosperity and success will benefit others, and that no one lacks abundance because you’ve opted for it.
- Monitor your emotions as a guidance system for your connection to the universal mind of intention.
- Become as generous to the world with your abundance as the field of intention is to you
- Devote the necessary time to meditate of the Spirit within as the source of your success and abundance.
- Develop an attitude of gratitude for all that manifests into your life.
craving and resource from “The Power of Intention” by Dr. Wayne Dyer