ICRAVE Strategy

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Strategy is the road map you need to define and achieve your goals.

  • Strategy is much more than a once-a-year ritual. 
  • Leaders need to reduce the overall strategy down to its smaller bit size components.
  • It’s more than simply having a strategy.  It requires that you adopt a strategic mind-set irrespective of who and what you are. 
  • Before any of us embark on any project create a detailed set of blueprints to show the way. 
  • Success is seldom and accidentally discovered treasure
    • It’s the result of following a predetermined set of steps by utilizing a combination of various skills.

As a leader, you need to work with each team member to help them understand how their individual actions impact the desired outcome of overall strategy. Each team member has a part to play in the overall plan. 

  • You need to do is to make sure that all your team members understand the vision. 
  • You must encourage them all to participate in creating the company’s strategy to get there. 
  • You need to empower team members to determine the action plans they require to implement their part of the strategy successfully.

Planning includes considering alternatives and options. 

  • The difficulty lies in the fact that each one of our choices contains a new array of thoughts, expectations, ideas, and perceptions. 
  • Consequently, the outcome of each choice creates a new set of options and obstacles. 
  • Therefore, each decision impacts the next, and so on. 
  • So It’s critical to ensure that you are on the right track – or all your choices could end up being worthless.

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Re-source: Review

Strategy is all about organizing our thoughts, ideas, experiences, skills, expertise, and expectations to accomplish a desired goal.  Strategy is not just about the end; rather, it’s the means to that end.  For that reason, sound strategies must be flexible, not rigid.  In its simplest form it’s a basic road map – albeit one that involves and incorporates change.  This might make it not only difficult to accurately read at times, but also somewhat dependent on future uncertainty.

  • Strategy is the art and science of enabling an organization, team, or individual to achieve its objectives through a series of choices, plans, and actions.
  • Strategy requires quick and appropriate responses to shifting conditions.
  • Strategy can be difficult to develop when you aren’t aware of all the details.  Occasionally, we must make a guess based on common sense and the information available at the time.

Characteristics of a Strategist

  • The ability to create multiple options for solving problems.
  • You chart the others follow by defining the tactics, steps, and resources that are required to achieve the goal while keeping the bigger picture in perspective.  You remain proactive and ensure that the plan is adjusted to meet the objectives.
  • Strategic thinkers know that effective planning and execution is a team effort.  They’re highly collaborative and adept at weaving visions with pragmatic, timely initiatives, and tend to challenge existing assumptions and generate transformations over the short and long term.

To truly tap into your core competency as a strategist, you need to know:

  • Who you are
  • What you want.
  • Where you’re going.
  • How you will get there.

What you are going to do once you get there.

craving and resource from “Surviving Your Serengeti” by Stefan Swanepoel