ICRAVE Spiritual Energy

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Spirit is the source of life and power. 

  • It interpenetrates matter but is itself nonmaterial. 

Mystics and spiritual adepts teach that it is possible to raise spiritual energy, to increase its rate of vibration. 

  • One way to do this is to put yourself in the vicinity of persons, places, or things that have high spiritual energy. 
    • Throughout the world millions of people make pilgrimages to sacred sites – mountains, groves, shrines, and temples – where they feel uplifted, renewed, recharged. 
    • You can join them or look in your own territory for places that make you feel good, turn your thoughts to higher purposes, and take you out of yourself. 
  • You can also read the writing or life stories of men and women of high spiritual attainment, and you can view great art of objects of special beauty or listen to great music, because beauty in any form has a salutary effect on spirit. 
    • A simple way to get this benefit is to have flowers in your living space, since most people find their natural beauty inspiring.

Image result for Breathe Air

Re-source: Rejuvenate

If breath is the movement of spirit in the body – a central mystery that connects us to all creation – then working with breath is a form of spiritual practice. 

  • It is also one that impacts health and healing, because how we breathe both reflects the state of the nervous system and influences the state of the nervous system. 
  • You can learn to regulate heart rate, blood pressure, circulation, and digestion by consciously changing the rhythm and depth of breathing. 
    • You can tone the healing system in the same way. 

Here are some simple techniques for doing this kind of work. Although you can do each one in a very few minutes, you will not realize their potential power unless you practice them regularly, preferably every day.

  • Observe the breath
  • Start with exhalation
  • Let yourself be breathed
    • As the universe breathes into you, let yourself feel the breath penetrating to every part of your body, even to the tips of your fingers and toes. 
    • Try to hold this perception for ten cycles of exhalation and inhalation.
  • Take a stimulating breath
  • Take a relaxing breath

craving and resource from “Spontaneous Healing” by Andrew Weil M.D.

Image result for Spontaneous Healing by Andrew Weil M.D.