ICRAVE Social Media Awareness

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What role does social media play in your life?

  • While each person’s relationship is unique, it’s pretty evident to us that people are spending more and more time, energy and emotion on social media.

While social media is a tool (not inherently good or bad), judging by the way most people use it, its increasing prominence is concerning. 

  • What most people share on social media outlets is a highlight reel portraying only the best parts of their lives.
  • This is particularly true when it comes to health and wellness.
    • This can be called the facade of social media that many people hide behind.
      • picture-perfect gym shots, plates of food, and so on.
  • Fitness professionals and models often portray perfection, but life isn’t perfect (for anyone).

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Re-source: Reassess

consider or assess again, especially while paying attention to new or different factors

The good news is that you don’t have to be perfect to enjoy extraordinary health and wellness; you just need to do your best and keep progressing over time.

  • Hiccups are normal, and they’re critical for growth.

“It’s not win-or-lose. It’s win-or-learn.” 

Craig Ballantyne
  • Stop trying to live up to someone else’s fallacious ideal, especially when they’re hiding everything they don’t want you to see behind a distorted curtain.

Be very careful who’s advice you’re seeking and taking.

  • Just because something “works” for one person doesn’t make it a good fit for you.
    • And just because someone stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night does not make him/her a qualified healthcare practitioner.

craving and resource from “Change That Up” – changethatup.com