ICRAVE Small Shifts and Adjustments

If you ever find yourself sliding or falling short, don’t get discouraged. 

Remember the flight of an airplane.  When an airplane takes off it has a flight plan.  However, during the course of the flight, wind, rain, turbulence, air traffic, human error, and other factors keep knocking the plane off course.  In fact, a plane is off course about 90 percent of the time.  The key is that the pilots keep making small course corrections by reading their instruments and talking to the control tower.  As a result, a plane reaches its destination.

  • If you keep getting knocked off your flight plan and feel as though you’re off course 90 percent of the time… so what? 
  • If you just keep coming back to your plan, keep making small adjustments, and keep hope alive, you’ll eventually reach your destination.

Re-source: Realignment

Small Shifts – Our lives don’t always require 180-degree shifts in direction. 

More often, we need only small shifts. 

Small changes can make huge destination differences. 

craving and resource from “7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens” by Sean Covey