ICRAVE Significance

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We’re all searching for our unique purpose, our divine destiny, or simply a sense of significance or some measure of success. 

  • When we are optimistic about the future, we find the energy to create it.

We may disagree violently about what success is. We may even change our own minds about what makes your lives actually significant.  But all of us are united in our desperate attempt to make a future for ourselves. 

  • We all desperately want to achieve something, to accomplish something
    • We just don’t know what. 
    • Worse than that, we don’t even understand why. 
    • Yet that doesn’t stop us from searching.

Whether it’s longing for significance, striving for success, trying to create a better world, or become a better person, there is a drive within us all. 

  • We are designed with a need to move forward. 
  • Without it our lives become only shadows of what they could have been.

It is amazing how much we can endure when we are convinced there is a purpose to our struggle.

  • We are capable of far more than we think.

Image result for i am becoming

Re-source: Re-inspired

Though we seem to get it in different measures and intensities, all of us long to become. 

  • We are born with an instinct for not only survival but also accomplishment. 
  • There is a fire inside every one of us that propels us forward.  
  • We are designed to learn, to adapt, to grow, to change, to develop, to progress, to become. 

Especially when we are children, we have endless energy that fuels play, curiosity, and imagination. 

  • From childhood we naturally move toward the future.  
  • George Bernard Shaw lamented that imagination was wasted on the young.  Einstein, on the other hand, attributed the key to his genius as never losing his childhood curiosity.

As we grow, these intensify into passion, desire, drive, and ambition. 

  • Throughout our lives, we express these as we aspire and strive to achieve, to accomplish, and to attain. 
  • We are custom made for a future. 
    • All of us long for our lives to count in some way. 
    • We all have an internal need to achieve some kind of success or to somehow find significance. 
    • Pursuing the future we desire energizes and inspires us.

craving and resource from “Soul Cravings” by Erwin Raphael McManus