The job of leadership is to inspire and motivate people, treating them as equals in trust and respect.
- Leaders must transform the mindset from “you versus me” to “us” working together.
It’s amazing observe people working together to improve business when the appropriate environment is established.
- The spirit permeates throughout the organization and creates a unique pride of ownership.
- Empower your people and get out of the way!
For a manager to inspire employees to embrace change, they must facilitate the following:
- Awareness, Value in awareness, Thinking, Actions, Results
Employee involvement (EI) – the wonderful, engaging concept that empowers employees to tap into their full potential.
- Build confidence, boost morale, develop leadership skills, and enhance bottom line by educating our teammates with EI principles.
- Help teams identify their strengths using the SWOT analysis model, designing the strategic plan, and helping team’s charter as it relates to their work scope.
- Make everything you do a win-win situation
Re-source: Reorganize
change the way in which (something) is organized
Management’s inability to transfer responsibility to employees significantly decreases the effectiveness of teams.
- Management should make the workers responsible for the success of the initiatives and strategies.
Change is hard for people if they don’t know where they’re going or why.
- Many companies share their organizational vision, but it has no emotional value to employees.
Define leadership as a commitment to the success of the people around you.
- Leadership was the single most influential hindrance to extraordinary products and/or services!
- Inspire others or create a vision
Even the best process designs do not go very far if you do not have the buy-in and engagement of the people who own the processes.
- Offer an alternative that allows anyone to lead from where they are.
What kind of results can you expect?
- People around you go above and beyond the call of duty.
- People share the responsibility for the success of the organization.
- People enjoy working together to generate and contribute creativity and innovations.
- A sustainable competitive advantage is possible.
- Organizational greatness is possible.
craving and resource from “The Rudolph Factor” by Cyndi Laurin and Craig Morningstar