ICRAVE Shaping How I Define Myself

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The strongest force in the human personality is the need to stay consistent with how we define our self.

  • We live in a world with so much inconsistency because change is constant, so we have a need for certainty.
  • We are not certain about a lot, but we believe we are certain of who we are.
    • If you don’t know that, we freak out and have an identity crisis.

So, we all define ourselves subconsciously – conservative, outrageous, etc.

  • Most of us have trapped ourselves in an old identity so we don’t surpass it.

The fastest way to change our identity is to change our state by changing the way we do things.

Image result for reshape your self

Re-source: Reshape

shape or form (something) differently or again

Everything humans do is to avoid pain or to gain pleasure. But really, we avoid what we associate pain to.

  • We have the power to change what things mean to us and therefore what we feel in our body about them.

However, most of us let other people train us to believe what equals pain or pleasure so we fit into their world.

  • We must take control of that process.
  • Leadership, management, salesmanship is all influence which is changing what people link pain and pleasure to.

What we link pain to and what we link pleasure to shapes our destiny.

  • As long as someone thinks pain is something, they’re going to want to avoid it.
  • If they link pleasure to it, they’re going to go for it.

Our decision making shapes your destiny, but what shapes our decision making is what we link pain and pleasure to.

  • We’ve all learned ways to get out of pain and into pleasure.
  • We all learned different ways and that’s shaping your destiny

craving and resource from “How to Define Yourself” by Tony Robbins