ICRAVE Setting and Envisioning Goals

Define your mission and goals in life

  • Counting the cost
    • “Am I willing to make the sacrifice?”
    • Don’t make commitments to yourself you know you’re going to break
  • Put it in Writing
    • “A goal not written is only a wish.”
  • Just Do It!
    • Once we are fully committed to doing a task, our power to complete it will increase.
  • Use Momentous Moments
    • Harness these moments that can provide momentum for you as you set out to make new goals and commitments.
  • Rope Up
    • “Tie ourselves together with ropes to aid us in climbing and to save our lives if one of us falls.” 
    • You’ll accomplish much more in life if you’ll rope up and borrow strength from others.

Image result for Start with End in Mind

Re-source: Refine

It is important to have an end in mind

  • You may be at a critical crossroads in your life and the paths you choose now can affect you forever
    • Your attitude of life, trying new things, choosing which values, what kind of relationships, how to contribute, and what you stand for.
    • Retracting your steps can be a long and hard journey.
  • Control your own destiny or someone else will.
    • Never assume that the herd must know where they are going because they usually don’t.

Have you ever worked really hard to get something you wanted only to find that when you got it you felt empty inside?

  • For instance, so often we lose sight of things that are far more important, like self-respect, true friendships, and peace of mind.
  • Having no end in mind is a problem.  But having an end in mind that leads us in the wrong direction can be an even bigger problem.

craving and resource from “7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens” by Sean Covey