ICRAVE Sense of Worthiness

Sense of worthiness inspires us to be vulnerable, share openly, and persevere.

Shame keeps us small, resentful, and afraid.

  • In shame prone cultures (self-worth connected to production) there is disengagement, blame, gossip, stagnation, favoritism, and total lack of creativity and innovation
  • “The secret killer of innovation is shame.  You can’t measure it, but it is there.  Every time someone holds back on a new idea, fails to give their manager much needed feedback, and is afraid to speak up in front of a client, you can be sure shame played a part.”
    • (Peter Shean CEO of change labs) – large scale behavior projects for clients.

Re-source: Revive

That deep fear we all have of being wrong, of being belittled and feeling less than is what stops us from taking the very risks required to move our selves or our companies forward. 

If you want a culture of creativity and innovation, where sensible risks are embraced on both a market and individual level; start by developing the ability of managers to cultivate an openness to vulnerability in their teams.

  • And this paradoxically perhaps requires first that they are vulnerable themselves.

This notion that the leader needs to be in charge and to know all the answers is both dated and destructive.

  • Its impact on others is the sense that they know less and they are less than

craving and resource from “Daring Greatly” by Brene Brown