ICRAVE Self-Worth

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Self-worth is your opinion of yourself.  It goes by other names, including self-image, self-confidence, self-respect or self-esteem.

Although how you esteem yourself may rise and fall, what you’re really worth never changes.

  • When you let people’s opinions make you self-conscious you give away your power
  • The key to feeling confident is to always listen to your inner self
    • the real you.

What helps builds self-worth is finding and developing a talent or skill of some kind.

  • Most have to work at self-worth. 
  • It may take years before you’ll get a sense of what you’re capable of doing. 
  • It has everything to do with the fact that you’re a human being, a child of destiny, with amazing potential.

How will you know if your self-worth is improving?

  • You’ll worry less about that other people think of you
  • You’ll give more service
  • You’ll bounce back more quickly when you have a setback
  • You’ll feel more at peace
  • You’ll be happy for the successes of others

Remember, having self-worth is a choice you make every day.

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Re-source: Rediscover

Acres of Diamonds – A farmer named Ali Hafid lived in ancient Persia.  Not being content with what he had, Ali sold his farm and left his family to look for diamonds.   For the next several years, he wandered through Palestine and Europe until he reached the coast of Spain, Penniless, heartsick, and weary after years of searching.  Ali drowned himself in the ocean.  Later, it turns out that the farm he sold was the very site of Golconda, the greatest diamond mine in the history of the world.  If Ali would have stayed home and dug in his own fields, he would have found acres of diamonds.

  • (story told by Russel Conwell at a speech)

You have tons of natural ability (acres of diamonds) already within you. 

  • You don’t need to look anywhere else.  Just dig in your own fields.

If you’re so used to dismissing yourself, here’s how you turn this around:

  • Work to accumulate great qualities. 
  • Add one good quality each month
  • (work out, get involved, volunteer, learn to listen, etc.) 
  • In 12 months you’ll have 12 more good qualities, and so on. 
  • The more good qualities you accumulate, the more you can smile about. 

You are attractive.  You are worthy of the best.  Love yourself today – others will learn how to love you tomorrow and forever.

craving and resource from “The 6 Most Important Decisions You’ll Ever Make” by Sean Covey

The 6 Most Important Decisions You'll Ever Make