“Change your self-Talk and you will change your programs. Change your programs and you will change your life.”
Our mind is like the science of computer technology – Whatever you put into it is exactly what you will get back out of it.
- What behavioral scientists did not know, until recently, was that our computer brains were designed not only to store all of the input we got, but also to act on those programs as though they were true.
- The result is that you and I, think, believe, and act based on the programming we received, as though the programs we received were true – whether they were true or not.
Some programs we got were good. But behavioral researchers have told us that as much as 77% of all the programs we received are negative, false, counter-productive, or work against us!
- Common example is an over-protective parent repeatedly asking “Are you sure you are alright?” can create negative health programs that will last a lifetime.

Re-source: Reflection
serious thought or consideration
Without us even thinking about it, our programs take over and direct our lives for us
- Programs can unknowingly steal our future
- People who will always be broke- their programs are Broke-minded
- People who can’t seem to make a relationship work- their programs tell them they’re not good enough or that they’re naturally bad at relationships
- People who struggle with weight- their programs tell them that just one more little bite of comfort food in front of them won’t hurt
- People who never get close to achieving their childhood dreams- their dreams were taken away from them before they even had a chance to bring them to life.
How does your self-talk sound today
- “I can’t remember names.”
- “Nothing ever goes right for me.”
- “I can never find anything”
- “That’s just my luck”
- “Everything I eat goes right to my (fill in the blank)”
- “Today just isn’t my day”
- “I hate to speak in front of a group”
- “I just can’t do it”
- “Why even try?”
- “I could never do that”
- “I can never afford the things I want”
- “I’m too shy to do that”
- “With my luck, I don’t have a chance”
- “I never get a break”
- “I’m no good at math”
- “If only I were smarter”
- “If I only had more money”
Monitor your own Self-Talk
- Listen to everything you say when you talk and also what you think
- Listen to every message you give yourself at any time and in every circumstance
- Keep notes/journal and you’ll be surprised at the things you have written
Next steps
- Edit everything you say and everything you think
- You have the strength within you to stop yourself the moment before you are about to say or think anything negative.
- Listen to the right kind of “Self-Talk”
- Repetition of strong, positive, uplifting, and motivating words and thoughts
- Put the right Self-Talk into everything you do
craving and resource from “The Gift” by Shad Helmstetter PHD