ICRAVE Self-loathing Awareness

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Self-loathing is, an ugly bruise that erupts on the surface of our lives or on our bodies.

  • It is a warning sign that something serious is happening on a deeper level.  We bruise when we bleed within.
  • Self-loathing is the silent hemorrhaging of the soul. 
    • You don’t feel or see the life force fleeing until it’s no longer there and then, of course, it’s too late.

The word hate comes from the Greek word “kedos”, meaning grief. 

  • We hated ourselves as teenagers, because we were grieving for our loss of identity.
    • for the childhood that was slipping beyond our reach while true adulthood was not yet quite within our grasp

We loath ourselves for living and lying every day in little ways that devalue and dishonor us.

  • We loathe ourselves because we haven’t quite fulfilled the promise of our astonishing authentic gifts. 
  • The truth is, we didn’t even try – not because we were afraid we’d fail, but because we were terrified we would succeed.

“We live in an atmosphere of shame.  We are ashamed of everything that is real about us; ashamed of ourselves, of our relatives, of our incomes, of our accents, of our opinions, of our experience, just as we are ashamed of our naked skins.                                               

George Bernard Shaw

The Greek work for truth, aletha, means “not hidden”

  • Starting today, if you can’t be with the body you love, love the body you’re with.

Image result for i am enough

Re-source: Revive

regain life, consciousness, or strength : give new strength or energy to : improve the position or condition of

Existence at survival level is not living, but existing.  Barely surviving.  Enduring marginally.

  • When you are living at a survival level, do not feel like you are a failure. 
  • This is simply the way you have chosen to learn many important lessons and experience the essence of who you are.

Many of us find too much of our worth in our work.

  • If you can have ten other career choices, what would they be?
    • Who would you be?
  • What do you think are your talents, your authentic gifts? 
    • Are you using them in your work, your life, right now?

Authentic success is internal.  Often, other people aren’t even aware at first that you’ve reached it. 

  • The moment of success is the awareness that “I can do it” or “I have done it.” 
  • And it’s comforting to know that this can’t be taken away from you by an external event. 
    • Not by someone divorcing you, not by someone firing you.

The success or failure of a life…seems to lie in the more or less luck of seizing the right moments of escape.”                     

-Alice James

craving and resource from “Something More” – Excavating your Authentic Self – by Sarah Ban Breathnach