ICRAVE Self-Knowledge

Self-Knowledge matters more than self-belief

  • One of the features of expertise is the ability to recognize how limited our knowledge is
    •  This is why many of the greatest minds have repeatedly highlighted the negative effects of confidence on competence.
    • Socrates noted that the only thing he knew was that he didn’t know anything at all.
    • Charles Darwin observed that confidence is more often caused by ignorance than my knowledge

Try telling people who are very pleased with themselves that they are not good at something.

  • They will either think you are joking or they will confront you

Re-source: Reanalyze

Low confidence helps you see your weakness and motivates you to overcome them.

  • It is better to have realistic self-knowledge than distorted self-belief.
    • So you know what you need to work on to get better

craving and resource from “Confidence” By Thomas Chamorro Premuzic