ICRAVE Self-Fulfilling Prophesy

  • What you perceive to be true becomes your reality.

Behavior is at the root of all self-fulfilling prophecies

  • There is no magic to the way things manifest in life.  99% of the time it is our conduct and our actions that create our circumstances.
  • It is not bad luck.  All these things are a direct result of our attitude and thought processes.

Re-source: Reaffirm

If you say “I Can’t” then you believe it.  If you flip it around, the same is true with saying “I Can.”

  • At every level you attract what you focus on and you achieve what you believe.  If you are constantly saying to yourself that “you can’t, you are not good enough, etc,” then that’s the reality that you are going to make for yourself.
  • Your thoughts affect your behaviors, and you behaviors create your reality
  • So gearing your thought process into an “I Can” mentality and steering you mind away from fear based scenarios is critical.