ICRAVE Saying “YES” To Life

Image result for say "YES"

Look at what life is giving you and showing you.  Are you saying yes to those opportunities?

  • Many of us are saying no and making a bevy of excuses why they cannot take that next step, good advice, opportunities, or inspiration that is available.
  • You have to have your eyes open to see it.
  • Are you still looking down at the ground, complaining about where you are now, or looking back constantly reliving your past?

Assume you’re ready for the change.  Assume a position in your body and your mind of being prepared and available.

  • Look forward with positive expectation to the miracles that are taking place in your experience.

Every day you are being assisted along your path.

  • This comes in forms of calls to action, advice from someone you respect, overhearing the exact words you needed to hear in someone else’s conversation, seeing a pattern of words flashing around you, from other people or the media.
  • An unexpected change or movement in any form is the universe helping you.
    • You may not recognize it straightaway if you are focused on the inconvenience of that change.

Develop a feeling of courage and confidence in yourself and be willing to see the light shining in every situation, in every person, and in every place.

  • Allow yourself to humbly listen to it.  It will lead you to exactly what you have been wanting.
  • Pay attention signs and signals are everywhere around you.
  • Be aware of your internal dialog, and stop to ask yourself what is the message I am receiving from the universe through this experience.
  • Life is going to cause you to grow if you really sit and look at what has been presented to you.
  • Don’t hesitate if it feels right. Do it, and use it to gain momentum to keep moving you forward.
    • Say yes to your life and the unfolding of your brilliance.

Stop fighting for your limitations by saying no to everything.

  • The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results.
    • Don’t live your life like that.
    • You can’t expect things to change or be different than what they are now if you don’t make a different choice.
  • Yes, it will feel uncomfortable.  Yes, you will feel fear.  But stand firm and face it, and know that if you don’t do something different, then your life is going to continue in the same way it has been going.

Image result for open up to new experiences

Re-source: Restructure

organize differently : change the makeup, organization, or pattern of

If you are worried about saying yes to too many things, don’t be. Life has a funny way of organizing itself so that you have all the time you need, if you believe it.

  • You might need to let your tight grip on a couple of things loosen as you open up to new experiences, and let go of unnecessary things.
    • This is good, clearing out the old outdated behaviors and beliefs to make way for the new.
  • The universe gives you what you are ready for every time.
  • You will have to do some stuff that you have never done before. You will have to let go of some old patterns or ways of responding, so that you can embrace your wonderful changing life.
    • Have courage you can do it.
    • They are the little steps that eventually lead you to exactly where you want to be.

If you don’t follow through with the insights and advice on new opportunities, then ask yourself, “Why?”

  • “What is the reason I am NOT stepping up to this new challenge?” “Am I afraid of what will happen if I succeed?”  “Am I afraid of failing?”
  • Understand that it is your fear talking.  Don’t attach yourself to those limiting beliefs.  
  • Know that you are more than your thoughts, and you are more than your past. 
    • You are the thinker, and you can choose to change your thoughts.
  • Be courageous in the face of fear, and move forward anyway you can.
    • You can make positive changes in your life, and you can fulfill your dreams.

craving and resource from Rising Higher Meditation – “Fulfill your Dreams and Say YES To Life! Have Courage & Follow INSPIRATION”