ICRAVE Rituals

Rituals are where the power is

  • Take the huge challenges that you got and break them down into bite size steps
  • Little things that you do each day give you momentum to easily succeed
    • Daily victories
  • Condition your body and mind with rituals so you feel strength no matter what is going on in your world. 

Rituals define us. All the results in your life are coming from your rituals. They start with a standard and then have rituals that follow it up. 

  • Back up your standards with what makes those standards real
  • If you are where you want to be physically, then you have very different rituals than someone who is overweight.
    • daily ritual of working out instead of constant sugar eating 
  • If you have a great passionate relationship, then you have very different rituals than if you if you have a dead relationship.

What is the standard that successful people hold themselves to?  What are all the little rituals that add up?

  • Success and failure are not giant events that just show up.  Even though it may look like it, you don’t have the cataclysmic event that just happens.
    • Failure and success comes from all the little things.   
  • Success is not an overnight event; it is about having a vision, making it compelling, and really seeing and feeling it everyday.
    • And also feeling the sense that you are here to give something to the world instead of just thinking of yourself.
  • People are rewarded in public for what they have practiced for years in private

Michael Jordan certainly has a lot of talent, but what really sets him apart from the rest is his standards.  “Every day I demand more from myself than anyone else can humanly expect.  I am not competing with others; I am competing with what I am humanly capable of”

  • Most of us lower our standards because who we spend time with is who we become.

Step up, raise the standard, and feel that incredible power of pushing though whatever is holding you back.

Image result for create rituals

Re-source: Reengage

Decide on an area that really matters in your life that you would like to change

  • Write down what your life is like in that area right now as specifically as possible
  • What are the rituals that have put me there? (you need to be really honest here) because whatever the results you are getting, there is some rituals that are keeping you in that place.  There is a bunch of little things that you do consistently.
  • What do you want?  What’s your vision? (be specific)
  • What are the rituals that will get you there? What would you need to do differently?  A ritual is something you do consistently, usually at a specific time so it becomes automatic.

Willpower doesn’t last, but rituals can last a lifetime.  You have rituals in your life right now that you’ve been doing for years, even though many of them don’t serve you.

If you want a new life, start today.  See how easy it is to just do a few ritual (a few new things) to get momentum.  Once you discipline yourself in one area in your life, you feel yourself doing it in other areas as well.

  • There is always two pain of life.  The pain of discipline or the pain of regret.  Discipline weighs ounces, regret weighs tons.
  • So do your homework about you current rituals, and get yourself to start a few new actions, and lock them in place.

craving and resource from a Motivational Speech on standards and rituals by Anthony Robbins

Tony Robbins