ICRAVE Response Ability

Top sink-holes

  1. Getting stuck in denial
  2. Becoming paralyzed by fear and/or shame
  3. Spending a lot of time or energy in blame or regret
  4. Believing there is nothing you can do
  5. Focusing on the problem rather than the solution
  6. Using only solutions that have worked in the past to solve new problems
  7. Not getting in touch with what gives you purpose
  8. Going it alone
  9. Resisting or refusing to learn new things because it takes extra effort

Be ready with the appropriate attitudes and actions so that we minimize the negative impacts and capitalize on the opportunities.

When we are aware of change, we can see the warning signs earlier so that we are ahead of the wave.

  • This gives us a distinct advantage in responding

“The way life happens is that things bump up against one another in an information rich environment and change occurs.  Some things thrive and others die out.” (Meg Wigley – author of Leadership of the new science)

  • Ex. Like an aquarium with many fish, they are all doing fine until you put something different in the water and it changes the whole Eco system.  Some fish survive and others die as result of the new input.

Re-source: Re-envision

Depersonalize (Self-distancing)

The brain has the ability to make associated images as if something is happening to you right now.  Also, to make disassociated images as if it is happening to someone else

  • Imagine you are watching a video staring someone else who is going through what you are right now.    Give the person in the video a name and see him or her in the situation.  Watch what’s happening, and ask yourself…
  • “What can be going on that is beyond that person’s control or influence?
  • “What is your advice for the person in that movie?

A spiritual teacher’s advice to the secret of happiness and peace of mind is “A whole-hearted unrestricted cooperation with the unavoidable.” 

  • The only responsibility we truly have in what’s ever going on is to develop our response ability to what’s occurring.
    • Like surfing – “you got to go with the flow” otherwise you wipe out

craving and resource from “Adaptability” – How to survive change you didn’t ask for – by M.J. Ryan