ICRAVE Resolving Fear

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You can forget about being fearless. Every living thing feels fear. You cannot escape it.

  • The trick is not to escape it, but to confront and use them to drive and teach you.
  • Only by getting to the bottom of your fears can you find the valuable lessons
  • It can lead you to panic and confusion or to clarity and meaning.  It can paralyze and destroy you or be your greatest source of motivation.
  • Quite possibly one of the greatest achievements in life is to let fear guide you to clarity rather than madness.

Life is not fair, rational, or reasonable. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you are going through. It is up to you to move through fear and rise to life’s terrifying occasions or curl up in a ball.

  • The decisions we make in these pivotal crossroads define our lives
  • If you learn how to feel, manage, and embrace fear and respond to it by taking deliberate step to move through it and out of it, it can be an amazing source of power.

By allowing yourself to be pulled toward the unknown you create space (faith)

  • For good things to come in and shape your life. This is what we are here for.

The scariest moments in our lives are the ones where we have the greatest opportunities to learn and evolve. So get comfortable with the idea of being a little uncomfortable.

  • Your fears will come to pass.  You have had setbacks in the pass and clearly you survived them.
  • With the right attitude and a few strategies, you can retool your fear mechanism so that they’re working for you rather than against you.

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Re-source: Reshape

shape or form (something) differently or again

Building your tolerance of fear

  • Give yourself permission to be afraid.

Play out the absolute worst thing that can happen all the way to the very end.

  • Most of the time you will realize that your fear is based in reality or that is possible fulfillment is not that bad.
  • By exploring your fears in depth, you can analyze the real risks, quiet the irrational aspects, and face what remains head on.
  • So what do you really have to lose?
    • Blow to the ego.  (A bad day for the ego is a good day for the soul)
    • Don’t you think the possibility of things working out in your favor is work the risk of a little embarrassment? 

The kind of emotional stretching that comes with facing fear allows you to gain strength in future endeavors where you’ll need the courage.

  • Another great way to push through fear is to determine the reward that can await you.
  • There is no fear that you can’t overcome if the outcome is worth the risk.

Review the worst case fears but now, instead of imagining all the bad things that could happen, imagine just the opposite. Think of all the great possibilities that can play out.

  • Don’t go to a place of “I don’t know” or fear. Play it out!

Walk in someone else’s shoes. There are people in this world who have lived through the very thing you fear

  • How did they pull through?  What did they do to turn things around?  What could they have done better?
  • Stories are a powerful way to affect change, both in others and in ourselves.
  • By closely studying the stories of others who have survived or conquered the things we fear, you can create an emotional and intellectual experience that will empower you to push through.
  • Study their path and their process and imagine yourself in the same scenarios.
  • This study will help you build a frame of reference of the unknown so at some level it will become familiar terrain. 
  • By living it through someone else’s experience, you will have practiced it mentally.  So when your time comes, you will be less afraid.  You will have a sense of guidance (internal GPS that gives us confidence to forge ahead on our own).

craving and resource from “Unlimited” – How to build an exceptional life – by Jillian Michaels

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