Removing any beliefs that are contradictory to what is wanted will make room for positive mental images that are beneficial to creating and manifesting desires.
- Teach the subconscious that thoughts that you once entertained are no longer acceptable.
- This breaks the habit of reverting back to all the reasons you are incapable of having what you want.
- It states a conscious choice that you will not endorse your entrapment any further.
- It is best to stop these negative images and scenarios the moment they come into your mind and to continue doing so until they cease to surface altogether.
- This cancels the request to continue manufacturing negative events.
Remember, you are the gate keeper of your mind, and you have ability to imagine the things that you wish to imagine.
- You are also perfectly capable of deleting any unwanted thoughts and images that blocks your success.
In reality we create the events and circumstances of our life. A reality can be defined as anything we believe to be true.
- We have the absolute ability to participate in the process of consciously creating reality through the vehicle of our mind
For something to become real, it is necessary for it to first believe in it. The only possibility for something to be discover as reality is believing in its existence.
- This is accomplished with intentional impressions that are combined with matched feeling states.
By changing the mental habits we possessed, the world around us changes too. To change the reality of our experiences and ultimately the reality of our lives, we simply only have to change ourselves.

Re-source: Relinquish
The moment you notice a negative image or situation in your mind, repeat one of the processes below.
- It tells the subconscious in its own language to delete the negative images as well as any influence they may have had on your future, and that you never entertain that situation of situations like it.
Think of negative thoughts or images as unwanted baggage. It holds you back and anchors you in a stagnant position, or at the very least, slows your progress.
- Simply imagine these images as weights that are chained to your ankles.
- Now visualize yourself with a very large set of bolt cutters.
- From your first person point of view, break through the chains that keep these images and thoughts attached to you.
- Watch as these chains drop to the ground.
- Feel yourself accelerate away from the weight of the bad baggage.
- Imagine jumping up and down and running in a very light and free manner now that the weights have been removed.
Think of something that frequents your mind that you are aware is not conducive and producing results you wish for in your life.
- As it is occurring, freeze it. Make it a still frame of what is happening.
- Next imagine taking a paintbrush and drawing a circle and an X in the middle of it with sloppy paint running everywhere, making the image unrecognizable.
- Now see your hand grabbing this sloppy image and tossing it like a Frisbee.
- Watch as it sails out past the planet and beyond what you are able to see.
craving and resource from “How to Use Your Mind the RIGHT Way to Create What You Want!” by Your Youniverse