ICRAVE Relying on Imagination


Your imagination allows you the fabulous luxury of thinking from the end.

  • There’s no stopping anyone who can think from the end.
  • You create the means and surmount limitations in connection with your desires.
  • In imagination, dwell on the end, fully confident that it’s there in the material world and that you can use the ingredients of the all-creative Source to make it tangible.

Remain confident that through continued reliance on your imagination, your assumptions are materializing into reality.

  • Become indifferent to doubt and to the call of your will.

Image result for reframe

Re-source: Re-frame

“If you become what you think about, and what you think about is getting what you want, then you’ll stay in a state of wanting.  So, the answer to how to get what you want is to re-frame the question to:  “How do I go about getting what I intend to create?”

  • “You get what you intend to create by being in harmony with the power of intention, which is responsible for all of creation.”
  • Become just like intention and you’ll co-create all that you contemplate.
  • When you become one with intention, you’re transcending the ego mind and becoming the universal all-creative mind.
  • “Until you transcend the ego, you can do nothing but add to the insanity of the world.” – John Randolph Price

craving and resource from "The Power of Intention" by Wayne Dyer