ICRAVE Relevance

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To whom you matter is just as important as who matters to you. 

Fish where the fish are biting.  Know where you’re relevant, and cast your line there.

  • Identify your frequent contact circle

Increase the quality and quantity of you contacts. 

Many people are amazed at how little attention they’ve devoted to their top-ten contacts. 

  • Instead, they’ve been spending their life fishing fruitlessly from people with whom they have little or no contact.

Image result for relevance

Re-source: Reconnect

Connect with others’ interest

  • You have to be aware of your interests in order to share them
  • People in your life will find you relevant once you start talking about your shared interest.
  • Rediscover an old passion.
  • Do some research.
  • Ask your best friend or significant other what he or she thinks.
  • Identify the interests of your most frequent contacts.

Connect now!

  • Start a conversation with your contacts about their interests.  Talk.
  • Participate
  • Add value to the activity you’ve just adopted.
  • Be Proactive
  • Connect with others’ want and needs.

As a guide, think about what other people are required to do in life. 

  • Think about their dreams.  Think about ways they like to feel, feedback they need to hear, projects they want to accomplish.

craving and resource from “The Likeability Factor” by Tim Sanders

The Likeability Factor: How to Boost Your L-Factor and Achieve Your Life's Dreams

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