ICRAVE Releasing Worry and Fear

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Though sometimes it seems nearly impossible, we must strive to accept life on its own terms, rather than succumb to worry. 

  • Worry is “to constrict.” 
  • Instrumental action is one thing; acceptance, another; fear, still something else. 
  • Even dreadful events can open our hearts.
  • You can worry, but it won’t do anyone any good. 

Releasing yourself from worry simply stops suffering, an energy-saver and magnificent gift.

We must remember there are cycles to life: turbulent and calm, dark and light. 

  • Try to breathe deeply through it all.  It’s vital to constructively direct your energy.

Re-source: Recourse

a source of help in a difficult situation

Garnering positive energy requires moral courage, heart, and nerve. 

  • After you named your fear, say to your nemesis, “Thank you for sharing.”
  • You’re only a victim once – then you become a volunteer. 

List all of your “what if this never happens” fears. 

  • For instance, I’ll never get love, success, or recognition. 

Then inwardly ask Spirit, however you conceive of it, to lift these fears from you

  • This is a process of energetic unburdening. 
  • It clears the way to feel where flow wants to take you.

Trusting the wisdom of flow means going with what’s presented to us as gracefully as possible, rather than flailing around in opposition.

craving and resource from “Positive Energy” by Judith Orloff

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