ICRAVE Relationships

The key to mastering relationships is first mastering yourself.  You don’t have to be perfect; you just need to be making progress.

  • Your ability to get along with others will largely determine how successful you are in your career and your level of personal happiness.

PBA (personal bank account) – represents the amount of trust and confidence you have in yourself.

RBS (relationship bank account )- represents the amount of trust and confidence you have in each of your relationships.

  • You can make deposits and improve the relationship, or take withdrawals and weaken it.  A strong and healthy relationship is always the result of stead deposits made over a long period of time.
  • What is the most powerful deposit someone has made in your RBA?

Deposits – keep promises, do small acts of kindness, be loyal, listen, say you’re sorry, set clear expectations.

Withdrawals – Break promises, keep to yourself, gossip, don’t listen, be arrogant, set false expectations.

Re-source: Remember


  • Think Win-win is an attitude toward life, a mental frame of mind that says I can win, and so can you.  It’s not me ore you, it’s both of us.
  • It is the foundation for getting along well with other people.  It begins with the belief that we are all equal, that no one is inferior or superior to anyone else, and no one really needs to be.
  • Thinking win-win will fill your heart with happy and serene thoughts.  It will give you confidence
  • It will become a mental habit, and you won’t even have to think about it.  It will become part of who you are.
  • Think about your general attitude towards life.  Is it based on Win-Lose, Lose-Win, Lose-Lose, or Win-Win thinking?  How is that attitude affecting you?

craving and resource from “7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens” by Sean Covey