ICRAVE Relationships

Imagine if you used relationship to get to know other people rather than to satisfy what is blocked inside.

  • If you’re not trying to make people fit inside your preconceived notions of what you like and dislike, you will find that relationships are not that difficult
  • If you’re not so busy judging and resisting people based on what is blocked inside of you, you will find that they and you are much easier to get along with.

What if you knew that the next person you see will be the last person you will ever see

  • You would be right there soaking it in, experiencing it.  It wouldn’t matter what they were saying.
  • What if you brought this kind of awareness to every conversation?
    • This is what happens when you’re told death is around the corner.

Re-source: Relationship

Participate in life instead of judging

  • When you walk into a botanical garden, you feel love and openness to all the beauty that surrounds you. 
    • You don’t judge the shape and placement of the plants/flowers
    • It’s beautiful that there is so much diversity
  • Imagine you can have this kind of mindset with people
    • So what if they don’t look, dress, or behave the same
    • Let them be like the flowers – however they happen to be seems beautiful

craving and resource from “The Untethered Soul” by Michael Singer