ICRAVE Relationship Connection

Even the smallest distances that separate us from others play a major role of determining who we are most likely to hit it off with

  • Email and texting are missing out on opportunities to get closer to people we interact with


  •  Being “in the zone” and fully present help us to create resonance. 
    • A quality that can draw others to us
  • Reach out to others
  • Take their emotional temperature

Similarity can help to create an “in group” dynamic that can help bring those people together.

  • Same name, hometown, etc.
  • The more we can accentuate the similarities we have with someone else, the more likely we are to hit it off with that person.

Environment around us can help foster intimacy

  • Certain situations and surroundings nurture intimacy
  • Being part of a shared defined community

Re-source: Receptive

Certain people are magnets

  • Some people are more naturally prone to “clicking” than others
  • High self-monitors instinctively match their emotions with others’ emotions

The more aware you are of the other person’s mindset, attitude and emotions; the better your likelihood of being able to connect with him or her

  • We can help to foster those times when we click with the world around us
  • That connection can change the very nature of a relationship right then and forever after

craving and resource from “Click”   The magic of instant connections by Ori Brafman and Rom Brafman

Click: The Magic of Instant Connections