Relationships are our opportunity to see ourselves in every way imaginable.
- Our relationships show us our joys and loves, as well as our fears.
- From the greatest betrayals of our trust to our most desperate attempts to fill our emptiness, everyone shows us something about ourselves.
- including our co-workers, classmates, and the life mates
Through our relationships with other people, we’re presented with mirrors that shows us clear examples of what we’ve created from our beliefs in our world.
Regardless of what the mirrors teach us, it’s by spending time with others that they become the triggers for just the right emotions and feelings at precisely the right times in our lives to help us heal our greatest hurts and deepest wounds.
- If we have the wisdom to recognize the messages that are being mirrored to us, we discover the beliefs that cause the suffering in our lives.
- Numerous ancient traditions recognized this connection and valued the reflections of relationships as the path to wholeness and union with the Divine.
Re-source: Reveal
Examine your relationships with the people who are closest to you.
- Acknowledge the traits and characteristics that irritate you to no end and just seem to make you crazy.
- Ask yourself the following question: Are these people showing me myself in this moment?
- If the answer is no, they may be revealing something even deeper and more powerful than the mirror of who you are
- They might be showing you the reflection of the things that you judge in life.
- “Rather than showing to me what I am, they were showing me the things that I judge!”
- To simply recognize and acknowledge that the mirror exists is where the healing of your judgments begins.
craving and resource from “The Divine Matrix” by Greg Braden