ICRAVE Realness

Be true to yourself

  • Let your values be your compass as you navigate life.
  • Spot-check your behavior for consistency with your values.
  • Practice seeing yourself from an outsider’s point of view.
  • Borrow only with permission
  • Protect your realness with self-confidence.
  • Discount the reasons you have for disliking yourself.
  • Periodically revisit the real you.
  • Create your own personal history chart

Be true to others

  • Don’t forget your past.
  • Share your glory.
  • Practice humility
  • Watch out for exaggeration
  • Learn to say, “I don’t know.”
  • Be honest when you make a promise.
  • Recruit a reality coach

Someone’s lack of realness can lower his or her likability by lying, hypocrisy, and insincerity.

  • Let the true you come out to play, and let others share your passions, fears, emotions, beliefs, and vulnerabilities.
    • Share your realness

Image result for refinement to make things better

Re-source: Refine

Be present with others

  • Dedicate blocks of time for discussion
  • Turn off all interruption devices.
  • Ignore obvious distractions.
  • Fend off any interruptions.
  • Maintain eye contact.
  • Relax your body.

Admit your mistakes

  • Admit to yourself you are wrong.
  • Don’t delay your admission of guilt.
  • Have a face-to-face conversation.
  • Provide details
  • Explore remedies
  • Be willing to correct yourself when you are wrong.

craving and resource from “The Likeability Factor” by Tim Sanders