ICRAVE Real Learning

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We are learning when we ask the these questions.

  • “What can I do to develop new skills?”
  • “How can I adapt to the changing world?”
  • “What can I do to apply what I’m hearing?”
  • “How can I be more productive today?”
  • “What can I do to be my best?”

Real learning happens when we turn knowing what to do into doing what we know.

Roadblocks to Learning

  • Exception mentality: we tend to teach to others what we need to hear ourselves.
  • Expectations:  We usually find what we are looking for. 
    • Negative expectations can be self-fulfilling prophecies. 
      • They keep us from learning, growing, and enjoying life.
  • Entitlement Thinking: “In the end, the responsibility for my lifelong change journey is mine alone.” 
    • Ask, “What can I do to invest in myself?” and “How can I acquire new knowledge to meet the challenges ahead?”
  • Experience trap: The tenured teacher who refuses to embrace new ways of helping students learn.
  • Exclusion:  We use exclusion every day against people who are different from ourselves. 
    • We’re all students.  We’re all teachers.  There are valuable lessons to be learned everywhere we turn. 
    • “How can I truly listen and consider applying what this person has to say?”

See the source image

Re-source: Recondition

Begin to focus each day on how you could add value to a situation. 

  • Redirect your emotions toward contributing rather than complaining.
  • Consistently stay focused on the problem and how to make things better. 
  • Don’t criticizes others’ performance, but instead works hard to improve communication within the department, understanding of the situation, and personal skills.”

When you flip a switch, you unblock – or unleash – a flow of electrons. 

  • This flow of energy, called a current, reaches the light bulb in an instant, bringing it to life. 
  • Although the current lights the bulb, flipping the switch is the essential first step.

craving and resource from “Flipping the Switch” by John G. Miller

Image result for Flipping the Switch by: John G. Miller