We tend to make things bigger than they are.
- “Making a mountain out of a molehill”
We can tell that we are reacting when we start to say the same things over and over when we are angry
- Using the same angry words
When we are reactive, we really want to be right.
- We become so attached to “being right” when we are reactive.
It’s important to treat it like a dream. When you realize you are reacting – “wake up from your dream”

Re-source: Refocus
We all get reactive, no matter how evolved we think we are.
- What matters is that we wake up, in the midst of that reactivity, and cease participating in it.
The goal is to practice acknowledging when you are in this state of reactivity
- You do this by noticing the little things like when you over exaggerate, use the same words, and/or always try to be right and force you way to be rights
You are not trying to get away from your negativity.
- Take just enough space from it to bring it into focus
craving and resource from “Knowing your Shadow” by Robert Augustice Masters PHD