ICRAVE Productivity

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Productivity means getting the most out of your day.

Productivity is NOT simply being busy. Anyone can be and stay busy.

  • To borrow a page out of the football handbook, being productive means moving the ball toward the goal line efficiently and effectively.
  • Being busy, on the other hand, can mean running around in circles making no meaningful progress toward your goal.

Increasing productivity not only means more effectively getting things done, it means having more time for the things that matter most to you — and having less stress and more happiness to boot!

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Re-source: Refocus

Prioritize your work. Time is a limited commodity and every choice has an opportunity cost. Productivity hinges on setting priorities.

  • We all have projects, tasks, and stuff to do. Prioritize your time on the things on your to-do list that are most important.

Don’t bite off more than you can chew. Set proper expectations for yourself.

  • Don’t load up your schedule with a bunch of tasks — especially if they’re not important.
  • Focus on one big ticket item each day.

Use technology to your advantage. There’s no question technology can be a double-edged sword.

  • On one hand, things like social media and email can be time suckers distracting you from what’s really important.
  • On the other hand, project management tools, calendars, and note-taking tools can be very effective for boosting productivity.

Eliminate interruptions. As alluded to above, technology can be a tremendous distraction if we allow it to be.

  • Your phone buzzing incessantly with notifications.
  • Your desktop dinging with every new email.
  • These distractions take you out of your flow.
  • Turn your phone on silent mode. Turn off your email. Close your door. Eliminate distractions when you need to be productive.

Batch your tasks. 

  • Tim Ferriss has popularized the notion of “batching,” which simply means putting the same tasks together to reduce the transition time of your brain from switching between tasks.
    • For example, do send and answer all emails during a single block of time. Make all your phone calls during another block of time.

craving and resource from “Change That Up” – changethatup.com