ICRAVE Prepaving My Intentions

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Prepave your intentions by feeling although it is already done

  • You are a co-creator.
  • You can set your intentions.
  • You can prepave the path you would like to walk.
  • You can place those stones on the ground and imagine what it feels like to walk upon them.
  • You can have clear powerful intentions.

You can do an excellent job of envisioning and feeling that it is done and already created.

  • You can feel like you’re already living your dreams and desires now.
  • The infinite intelligence has it in its hands and is giving you all the pieces as you need them.

Use mental rehearsal. Mental rehearsal which includes setting your intentions, is an incredibly powerful tool.

  • It is a way to reprogram your subconscious mind before it gets a chance to respond in its usual mode.
  • Doing this every day, first thing in the morning is the best time. 
    • It is a great way to start the day to set your intention and to visualize how you would like things to feel.
  • It can also be done when you have something coming that is happening in the near future and you want it to go well.

Prepave days in advance before your mind starts to create anxiety around the future situation.

  • Catch yourself before you begin to go into old patterns of doubt, fear, or worry.
    • This is just resistance showing itself and if you can catch it in the early stages by mentally rehearsing an optimal outcome before it turns into anxiety panic attacks, depression, or frustration.

The law of attraction will bring you the dominant frequency you are emanating through your thoughts and feelings.

  • Mental rehearsal is like building a solid foundation for the way you would like to feel.

Prepave your intentions with mental rehearsal. 

  • Envision and focus on how you would like to feel in future times or situations.

Mental rehearsal is a golden nugget that can help you to step into the unknown with feelings of certainty and confidence. 

  • Feel supported and trust that you are not alone and that the universe has got your back.

Re-source: Rehearsal

a private performance or practice session preparatory to a public appearance : a practice exercise

The following is one way to use mental rehearsal. 

  • Grab a pen and paper and write down at the top of the page the way you intend to feel or how you would like something to unfold.

For example if you have a job interview to go to in a week, in preparation you could set the intention for the meeting to go well before you get stuck into that old fearful conditioning. 

  • You could write this was the best interview I have ever been to and then underneath list all the things that you intend to feel during or after
    • for example you could write I am getting better and better at attending interviews
    • I understand what people are expecting and I am able to respond to questions with precision and clarity my responses.
  • Imagine what it would look like for it to be happening. Visualize yourself being there at the interview and all things are going well.  Feel what it is like to be confident, relaxed, and happy.
    • “My new employers are thrilled with me.”  
    • “I fit in really well.”  
    • “I am precisely the person they are looking for and this is the perfect job for me at this time.”  
    • “I can see the smile on the face of the interviewer as they are pleasantly impressed with my responses, with my resume, and with my general vibe.”
    • “The atmosphere feels good while I’m there.”  
    • “I’m feeling really enthused about this job.”  
    • “I’m getting better and better at keeping a relaxed disposition when I attend interviews.”  
    • “My mind is getting faster at responding to questions and being clear about my intentions.”
    • “I am well-prepared.”
    • “I feel optimistic about this opportunity, and I trust that I am guided.” 

Watch a little dress rehearsal of the interview in your mind. 

  • How you are presenting yourself?
    • How great you look? 
    • How you are emanating a relaxed and calm vibe? 
    • How you are answering all the questions with such ease and intelligence? 
    • How comfortable the interviewer is around you.

There are a couple of things to keep in mind with mental rehearsal.

  • Firstly be gentle with yourself, remembering that you are growing all the time.
  • Secondly write everything in present or past tense imagining that the event is happening, or has already happened.

Similar to how you would recall a memory, seeing the images in your mind of what occurred and how you felt while things were happening.

  • Your brain doesn’t know the difference between memory or a mental rehearsal.  
  • But what you are saying to the universe in either case is this is what I expect, and therefore it becomes your set-point of resonance.

craving and resource from “Rising Higher Meditation” – 2 Tips For A Sensational LIFE – (Develop Yourself with Spiritual Inspiration)