ICRAVE Practicing Patience with Gratitude

Practice patience by being Grateful for everybody in your life, even the negative people?

  • How can you learn from this person and this situation?
    • Learn patience, non-aggression, being humble, and transparency for how we can be negative and be unconscious.  Learn to be more compassionate, and improve perspective.
    • Be grateful for learning about myself through seeing parts of me through you.
    • We may not “get it” right away, but we are reminded how not be after witnessing how others can be when unconscious.
    • Witness

Why are you thankful?  Find your own personal reason.

When you are truly grateful, you are thanking the person based on the fact that they did something for you.

Consider how giving is receiving and the coincidence that when you are being grateful, it helps you for the better. How can it bring a situation from negative to positive?

Re-source: Remember

No matter what the situation.  Practice the technique of “Breath it in, and then breath it out.” (However that looks for you).  Just know that you have to change the situation through you feelings and your aura.  It’s like true prayer through positive vibrations.

How has someone pushed you buttons recently?

  • Be a watcher and notice how we are all the same (at school, work, in traffic, on the field, etc.)
    • That person is like me; he or she just wants to be happy, loved, helped, noticed, healthy, and not hurt and remembered