ICRAVE Power Struggle Awareness

What happens inside a human being that makes him want to control someone else. 

  • When an individual walks up to another person and engages in a conversation, (which happens billions of times each day in the world), one of two things can happen.  That individual can come away feeling strong or feeling weak, depending on what occurs in the interaction.

We humans always seem to take a manipulative posture. 

  • No matter what the particulars of the situation, or the subject manner, we prepare ourselves to say whatever we must in order to prevail in the conversation. 
  • Each of us seeks to find some way to control and thus to remain on top in the encounter. 
  • If we are successful, if our viewpoint prevails, then rather than feel weak, we receive a psychological boost.

In other words we humans seek to outwit and control each other not just because of some tangible goal in the outside world that we’re trying to achieve, but because of a lift we get psychologically. 

  • This is the reason we see so many irrational conflicts in the world both at the individual level and at the level of nations.

Re-source: Reevaluate

We humans are realizing how much we manipulate each other and consequently we’re reevaluating out motivations. 

  • We’re looking for another way to interact.

When we control another human being we receive their energy.  We fill up at the other’s expense and the filling up is what motivates us. 

  • When we feel weak and we control others, we feel better. 
  • What we don’t realize is that this sense of feeling better costs that other person. 
  • It is their energy that we have stolen. 
  • Most people go through their lives in a constant hunt for someone else’s energy.

At every level – from all  the petty conflict in families and employment settings to wars between nations – It’s the result of feeling insecure and weak and having to steal someone else’s energy to feel okay.

Understand that it is a matter of seeing the human world as a vast competition for energy and thus for power. 

  • Once humans understand their struggle, we would immediately begin to transcend this conflict. 
  • We would begin to break free from the competition over mere human energy…Because we would be able to receive our energy from another source.

craving and resource from “The Celestine Prophesy” by James Redfield