ICRAVE Positive Energy

Harness the power of positive energy

  • loving and nurturing forces from within, such as compassion, courage, forgiveness, and faith. (Being the best people we’re capable of being brings wholeness to a broken world.) 
  • Or from without: Supportive friends, creative work, the ability to laugh, or vibrant sexuality. 
  • Positive energy comes from an honoring of the Earth and all its creatures, a deep capacity for tolerance, as well as the passion to achieve a peaceful civilization. 
  • These are as central to our sustenance as food or oxygen.

You’re going to feel how mind-blowing it feels to run on full capacity- how this involves being as well as doing.  Your energy is more mystical, sexier, more ecstatic than you’ve ever imagined.

A potent inner wisdom not meditated by the rational mind, intuition allows us to sense beyond the physical.  The payoff is practical. 

  • For example, knowing if someone’s vibes feel good or not is critical to making smart choices.

Re-source: Reembody

to embody again or anew: put in or into a new form : reshape

Delineate what’s positive to combat negativity, including unlodging traumas in your subtle fields that cause chronic drain.  Many of us are at a loss without such basic living skills.

Take a microscope to your patterns of relating energetically to all aspects of life – responses to people, thunderstorms, places, food, noise, movies, smells, light. 

Notice the constant interplay with your environment: what brings peace or agitation.  Create healthy coping mechanisms and alter dysfunctional ones.

We each have our own energetic styles.  Some serve us, others don’t.  Become aware of ways you instinctively process vibes. 

  • For instance, intellectuals tend to constrict energy, whereas intuitive empaths give too much away.  Find a comfortable way of navigating life that balances vulnerability with emotional security.

craving and resource from “Positive Energy” by Judith Orloff