ICRAVE Positive Affirmations

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Affirmations are short positive statements that challenges, undermine, and replace negative beliefs with a healthy optimistic attitude that spears you toward success.

  • We always tend to talk negative to ourselves. 
  • When have we sat down and discussed to ourselves how we are so awesome? 

We live in a society that subtly tells us that it is better to be modest and self-deprecating than to acknowledge our brilliant attributes. 

  • It is totally fine to feel good about yourself. 
    • It doesn’t mean that you think you are better than other people. 
    • It just means that you appreciate and value who you are.
  • Living small and dumbing yourself down does not do the world any favors
  • Winning does not require that others lose.  The fact that you think you are special doesn’t mean that the person next to you isn’t special too. 
    • If you think you are great and deserving, it doesn’t mean you think that others are less great and deserving.
  • Recognizing your strengths are healthy and an important part of building your self-esteem.
  • How well do you receive complements?  Instead of saying thank you and owning it, do you tend to deflect? 
    • “Nice sweater” “Thanks, I got it on sale”
    • “Nice Hair” “Yea, I’m just letting it grow”
  • Also give complements because they celebrate people’s strengths

Image result for Positive Affirmations

Re-source: Re-empowered

make stronger and more confident, especially in controlling their life and claiming their rights

Constructing your affirmations

  • Focus on only positive words and phrases
    • Come from a place of abundance (like in prayer)
    • If you use negative words, your subconscious mind will hear and place the focus on them.
  • Be sure to use the present and not the future tense.
    • so you don’t place your reality in an indefinite future
  • The goal is to get your subconscious mind to adapt and accept your affirmations as reality so that they can become reality.
    • Ex.  Don’t say “I won’t be tired/sick during this or that”
    • Instead say “I am strong and healthy with the energy I need to get through my workout, class, etc.
      • This exudes confidence that will create the outcome that you desire
    • Don’t focus on “I will” or “I hope”
      • Focus on having, rather than the lack of having so you can attach yourself to the feeling of having
        • so your mind attaches to something positive.

Activity: Make a list of all the negative things or review all the negative things that you have heard or thought of during the day.  Then turn what you mind sees as negative into positive.

  • Ex. When you grow up fatter, wider, heavier – tell yourself that “I am getting strong bones and a stronger frame/stature, or I am just working on my built”

craving and resource from “Unlimited” – How to build an exceptional life – by Jillian Michaels

Image result for “Unlimited”	How to build an exceptional life		by: Jillian Michaels