ICRAVE Personality/Soul Alignment

The alignment of your personality with your soul is Authentic Empowerment

The soul is that part of you that is immortal.  Every person has a soul. But a personality limited to its five senses is not aware of its soul, and therefore, cannot recognize the influences of its soul.

As a personality becomes multi-sensory, its intuitions (its hunches and sudden feelings) become important.  It senses things about itself and comes to recognize intentions and to respond to them rather than the words and the actions that it encounters.

  • It can recognize a warm heart underneath harsh manner or a cold heart underneath pleasant words.
  • It understands currents from love to anger
    • Learns to identify and value those currents of healing and love
    • Learns to challenge and release those currents of disharmony and violence.
  • In this way the personality comes to understand the energy of its soul.

Your soul is a positive force at the core of your being. It understands the energy dynamic in which you are involved.

  • Loves without restriction
  • Accepts without judgement

Re-source: Reincorporate

If you desire to know your soul, the first step is to

  • Recognize that you have a soul.
    • Allow your-self to consider, “If I have a soul, what is my soul, and what does it want? What is the relationship with my soul and me?  How does my soul affect my life?
    • When the energy of the soul is recognized and valued, it begins to infuse the life of personality
    • When the personality comes to serve fully the energy of its soul, this is authentic empowerment, which is the goal of the evolutionary process in which we are involved

Every experience that you have and will have on the earth encourages the alignment of your personality with your soul. 

  • Every circumstance and situation gives you the opportunity to choose this path to allow your soul to shine through you.
    • To bring your love of life into this world

craving and resource from “The Seat of the Soul” by Gary Zukav