ICRAVE Personal Strengths, Virtues, and Traits

Strengths and Virtues are the positive characteristics that bring about good feeling and gratification.

  • When well-being comes from engaging our strengths and virtues, our lives are imbued with authenticity

When you learn about these strengths, you will also find some that are deeply characteristic of you; whereas others are not.

  • Signature strengths – the ones that are you.
    • Distinguish these from the ones that are less apart of you.

You should not devote overly much effort to correcting your weaknesses

  • The highest and deepest satisfaction comes from building and using your signature strengths.

Re-source: Re-disposition

redistribution of forces in an attempt to use them more effectively

Feelings – are states, momentary occurrences that need not be recurring features of personality. Traits – in contrast to states, are either negative or positive characteristics that recur across time and different situations.

Traits are abiding dispositions, whose exercise makes momentary feelings more likely.

  • The negative trait of paranoia makes the momentary state of jealousy more likely, just as the positive trait of being humorous makes the state of laughing more likely.

The trait of optimism

  • Optimistic people tend to interpret their troubles as transient, controllable, and specific to one situation.
  • In contrast, pessimistic people believe that their troubles last forever and are uncontrollable.

craving and resource from “Authentic Happiness” by Martin Selegman