ICRAVE Perfection Here and Now

Just allow yourself to meld into the perfection of the universe you live in. 

You don’t need another thing to be happy; it’s all being provided for you right here, right now. 

  • Be in this moment, and free yourself of striving for something more or someone else. 
  • Be in touch with peace  
  • Affirm:  It is all perfect.  God’s love is everywhere and forgets no one. 
  • I trust in this force to guide me, and I am not allowing ego to enter now. 
  • Notice how free you feel when you relax into this no-fear, no-worries attitude.

Re-source: Relinquish

Be empty in order to become filled

  • Attachments keep you so restricted that nothing can enter your already-filled self. 
  • Being empty in this sense means not being full of beliefs, possessions, or ego-driven ideas, but rather remaining open to all possibilities. 
  • Don’t restrict yourself to a particular point of view or a singular way of doing things
  • The flexible person is open to all possibilities
    • There’s nothing for him or her to prove because the ego is not in charge.

craving and resource from “Change your thoughts, Change your life” by Wayne Dyer