ICRAVE Perception and Interpretation Flexibility

Image result for flexibility of thoughts

Your experience of life is one of many possible ways to perceive and interpret the world.  We can think of reality as the conversations we are having with ourselves describing our experiences. 

  • This dialogue is generated as a result of our perceptions and interpretations. 
  • If we want to see changes in our lives, we need to change our perceptions and interpretations. 

Each of us has our own pattern of scanning and filtering energy and information from the environment, based both upon our inheritance and learning. 

  • There are physiological limits to our sensory receptors that place boundaries on our perceptions.

We are continuously selecting what we pay attention to and how we interpret the experience. 

  • When we realize that we are choosing our perceptions and interpretations, we can loosen our rigid attachment to a limited, unproductive viewpoint
    • and shift our focus away from people who drain us of our vitality.

Image result for this is my reality

Re-source: Reality

How deeply committed we are to our own realities?

  • Reality is clearly different for each person.
  • The ultimate truth is that each person’s reality is valid for that person.

Understand your nature, access your quiet inner voice of wisdom, and relinquish your need to attack or defend. 

  • It is only from this platform that genuine love can flow.

Release Depleting Emotions, Cultivate Love

  • Mental turbulence depletes our vitality. 
  • When we are caught in the turmoil of an agitated mind or heart, access to our vital energy reservoir is obscured.
  • “They love as though they will someday hate and hate as though they well someday love.”  – Aristotle

craving and resource from “Vital Energy” – The 7 Key to Invigorate Body, Mind & Soul – by David Simon, M.D.

Vital Energy: The 7 Keys to Invigorate Body, Mind, and Soul