ICRAVE Peaceful Relationship

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You get treated the way you teach others to treat you

  • You’ve taught all these people how to treat you as a result of your willingness to make their opinions of you more important than your own. 
  • Make it your intention to teach them how you desire to be treated from now on!

Be the peace you’re seeking from others.

  • You may be filled with anxiety, fear, anger, depression, guilt, or any low-energy emotions, but say a friendly Hello to the non-peace, and let it be.

Albert Einstein is credited with saying that the most important decision we ever make is whether we believe we live in a friendly universe or a hostile universe.

Do you want peace?  Do you want happiness, a quiet mind, a certainty of purpose, and a sense of worth and beauty that transcends the world?  Do you want a quietness that cannot be disturbed, a gentleness that can never be hurt, a deep abiding comfort, and a rest so perfect it can never be upset? 

  • All this forgiveness offers you. Be in a state of gratitude.

                You must recognize that the opinions of others toward you aren’t facts, they’re opinions. 

  • “I can’t be responsible for how they view me.” 
  • “If I doubt myself or punish myself, I’ve not only lost my self-respect”, but I’ll continue to attract more and more doubt and lower-energy opinions with which to further punish myself.”

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Re-source: Remind

Remind yourself that when you think about what you resent, you act upon what you think about, while simultaneously attracting more of it to you. 

  • Examine your energy level for your tendency to react to lower energies with more of the same.
  • Give your ego a reminder that you’ll no longer opt to be offended, or need to be right in these relationships.

Affirm: I attract only peace into my life.

  • Say “I love me” as many times as possible during the day
  • “I am whole and perfect as I was created!”
  • Extend more respect to others and to all of life.
  • Affirm to yourself and all others that you meet, I belong!
  • Remind yourself that you’re never alone.
  • Respect your body!
  • Meditate to stay in conscious contact with your Source, which always respects you.
  • Make amends with adversaries.
  • Always remember the self in self-respect.
  • Be in a state of gratitude

“When I am able to resist the temptation to judge others, I can see them as teachers of forgiveness in my life, reminding me that I can only have peace of mind when I forgive rather than judge.”

Gerald Jampolsky

craving and resource from “The Power of Intention” by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer