ICRAVE Peaceful Non-judgement

Be nonjudgmental, still, and above all, tranquil. 

  • Let the world and all of its creations unfold while you remain constant with the invisibleness that allows it all to take place. 
  • Allow whatever you feel deep within you in that quiet and peaceful space to guide you in the direction that is your true destiny.

Do not label what you see as imperfect, stupid, or empty; rather, look for the stillness and tranquility within you that you can bring to these superficial appearances. 

  • When you refrain from engaging in judgements based solely on looks, you paradoxically become an instrument for change.

See imperfections as perfect, even if your ego-mind cannot comprehend this.

Image result for peaceful success

Re-source: Recondition

Discover a more peaceful and self-satisfying way of knowing success

  • As your determination to acquire more begins to weaken, your new views will change the world you’ve known. 
  • You’ll find that the experience of inner peace becomes your true gauge of accomplishment.

craving and resource from “Change your thoughts, Change your life” by Dr. Wayne Dyer