ICRAVE Peace in the Face of Problems

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If you want to achieve peace in the face of your problems, you must understand why you perceive the particular situation as a problem.

  • Instead of trying to protect yourself from feeling the problem (such as jealousy), ask what part of me is (jealous)? 
    • This causes you to look inside and see the part of you that is having a problem with (jealousy). 
    • Once you clearly see the disturbed part, and then ask “who is it that sees this?” “Who notices this inner disturbance?” 
    • The very fact that you can see the disturbance means that you are not it.
  • Subject/Object relationship
    • Subject is the “witness”
    • Object is what you are seeing

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Re-source: Reevaluate

You must be able to objectively watch your problems instead of being lost in them

  • No solution can be solved while you are lost in the energy of the problem
  • The first problem that you have to deal with is you own reaction
  • You will not be able to solve anything outside until you own how the situation affects you inside.
  • When you get clear enough, you will realize that the real problem is that there is something inside of you that can have a problem with almost anything

Change from outer solution consciousness to inner solution consciousness

  • You have to break the habit of thinking that the solution to your problems is to rearrange things outside. The only permanent solution to your problems is to go inside and let go of the part of you that seems to have so many problems with reality.

craving-resource from “The Untethered Soul” by Michael Singer

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