Does our anxiety interfere with our daily functioning?
- Do we avoid certain situation because we are afraid of becoming anxious?
- Anxiety makes it difficult to find peace in solitude.
- We tend to become fearful rather than peaceful.
Remember the time when you felt anxious. Re-create that experience so you can feel it in your body. Allow it to become real to you.
- Do an emotional drawing that represents your experience of anxiety.
- Focus on your drawing as if you’ve never seen it before, and at the same time, become aware of your breathing.
- Notice details in your drawing and let your breathing gently become slower and deeper.
- This is the time for you to breathe peacefully in the presence of your anxiety.
Pause in Breath – There are two points in the rhythm of our breathing where we pause and do nothing.
- These are very rich moments of inner silence and stillness, opportunities for deep peacefulness.
- Focus on the pauses in your breathing. Really let yourself rest in the pauses.
- Let yourself experience a deep peacefulness in these moments of inner silence and stillness.

Re-source: Reflections
Learning to find peace with ourselves means we see the silver lining in what we think is a problem.
- Reflect on your recurrent problems or difficulties.
- Write down central issues that seem to keep reappearing in your life.
- Develop a list to 3-6 significant behavioral, emotional, or interpersonal patterns/reactions.
- Reflect on what the silver lining might be for each of these problem areas.
- “If I didn’t have this problem, then I wouldn’t have…”
- Appreciate how you’ve grown and developed as a result of this significant problem
craving and resource from “20 Minute Retreats” by Rachel Harris