ICRAVE Overcoming Discomfort

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People have this extreme feeling of fear in their mind about discomfort.

  • For most people, their association is to avoid anything that is uncomfortable. 

Discomfort is your friend.  They’re massive motivators and facilitators for change.

  • Through discipline we get things done. 
  • To really develop your potential in anything, you need to overcome resistance.

Pursue difficult things, and understand that through accomplishing these difficult things, you learn that you have this ability inside of you to overcome.

  • Get obsessed with life improvement. 
  • Find things that you enjoy doing that are difficult.  Do them and get better at it. 
    • It seems simplistic, but it is effective.
  • You need some amount of pride and ego to get good at things in the first place. 
    • It is a counter-intuitive notion because you have to have a belief in yourself. 
  • It’s hard for people to break momentum, whether it’s good momentum or bad momentum.

Image result for renew

Re-source: Renew

There is so much depression that it is becoming a common condition.  (“He/she suffers from depression.”)

  • Many of us feel this “funk” because we are living our lives in these very unfulfilling ways.  Many of us are doing things we don’t want to do, spending most of our day in artificial light, and eating very unhealthy.
  • We are supposed to be doing things that our bodies were designed to do like being in nature, not sitting on the couch all day eating junk food.

All of the little decisions throughout the day are creating the path of the rest of your life.

  • Do you experience this life optimally? 
    • Is it as enjoyable as it can be?
  • We have all experienced the spectrum of bad to great days. 
    • Make more of those great days.
  • Enhance the experiences that you are currently involved in right now.

Your body is like a race car that you can juice up yourself. 

  • You can add the fat tires, improved suspension, and beef up the horse power and engine.

We are essentially Eco systems.  We are in charge.

  • This weird consciousness that has all this resistance and inclination towards comfort is what is in charge of making all these things happen that keep this Eco system healthy.
  • How do you manage your Eco system? 
    • Do you keep growing?

craving and resource from “Joe Rogan Motivation” from Motivation Madness – YouTube