ICRAVE Our Authentic Artistry

Image result for express yourself in your work

We are all artists.  I define an artist as someone who expresses themselves through their own authenticity. 

We all have an opportunity to do something that is beautiful, that others can benefit from, and that is unique to us. 

  • Not the type of art that requires a paintbrush and canvas. 
  • There is many different and unique art forms in the world as there are people. 

“What is your art?”

  • People usually look puzzled when asked this question. 
  • How are you expressing who you are at your core in your everyday life?
    • whether it be in your chosen profession, how you interact with your family, your hobbies, and so on

It is truly a wonder to be among a group of people who are actively expressing their unique art forms on a daily basis, with a common goal that inspires and motivates them all.

Image result for rediscover yourself

Re-source: Rediscover

What do you want to be? 

  • From an early age we are led to identify the work we want to do, not who we want to be as people. 
  • Imagine if we offered personal development as a course in schools. 
  • What if we taught children to focus on discovering their authentic selves, and then allowing life to dictate what type of career best suited their passions and gifts. 
  • I believe we would see a lot less depression and anxiety among the general population instead of focusing so much on what we want to be when we grow up.

craving and resource from “Best Self” – Be You, Only Better – by Mike Bayer

Image result for Best Self – Be You, Only Better - by Mike Bayer