ICRAVE Optimistic Perspective

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What type of mystic are you?

  • A pessimistic- they see the glass as half empty
  • An optimistic- they see the glass as half full

 Your perspective plays a major role on how confidently you will move forward into the unknown.

  • The mystery of life awaits you.
  • A healthy perspective on life will make it easier to trust where the path may lead.

You are always forecasting your future whether you know it or not.

  • Based on your perspective the universal law of attraction assures you are predicting your own future based upon where you are putting your attention
  • Your perspective matters

The universe doesn’t know or care if our glass is half empty or half full. 

  • That is a determination we make. 

Re-source: Refocus

How you tend to see life can have a lot to do with shaping your attitude. Your core beliefs hold your attitude about life

  • They shape your attitude about politics, religion and people
    • Prejudices and opinions about others
  • Be conscious enough to witness and challenge those parts of your beliefs that don’t serve you and your world in beneficial ways
  • What attitude about your life will you carry with you?

Be mindful that your attitude can be influenced by the world around you

  • Media, current events, opinions and behavior of others
  • You can stand guard and choose what ideas and beliefs to let in

Your attitude directly affects the health of your physical body and the body of your relationships

  • How you manage your energy system in the future will depend on the attitude you have today
  • Are you more of an opti-mistic or pessi-mistic?
    • Who would you rather take with you on your journey?  It’s your choice.
  • One of the quickest ways to become an opti-mistic is to begin a mindfulness practice that focuses on building an attitude of gratitude.
    • Take time to focus on what is right with your life
  • An attitude of gratitude automatically brings with it a shift in consciousness, which says, “I am open to receiving with a grateful heart.”

craving and resource from “The Art of Uncertainty” – How to live in the mystery of life and love it – by Dennis Merit Jones