ICRAVE Not Believing Everything That I Think

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What is the purpose of a virus? (whether in a computer, body, etc.) from “Virus of the Mind” by Richard Brody

  • To duplicate itself – so that wherever it goes it continues to make copies of itself.
  • To infiltrate – wherever there is an opening.
  • To spread – wherever it can

Memes are ideas that are planted into our minds (often by well-meaning people). 

  • A meme doesn’t have any physical properties at all, because they are ideas. 
  • These memes are all of these ideas that we have learned about ourselves and what may constitute as truth. 
  • They were placed into your mind by our parents, schools, culture, television, advertisements, and everything you were exposed to.

These memes are excuses.  They are viruses that are not only continuing to duplicate, infiltrate and spread; but are being spread to our children, neighbors, and everyone else.

  • These viruses can be contained.

Here are the most common of these viruses (excuses).

  • “It will be difficult, risky, will take a long time,etc.”
  • “If I do this there will be family drama.” “I don’t deserve it.”  “It’s not my nature.” “I can’t afford it.” 

They are ideas that have been placed in your mind that have no basis in fact whatsoever. 

  • The problem is that we believe almost everything that we think”
  • Almost everything that you think does not hold up to a simple test of truth.

Take the meme and ask yourself, “Can you be 100% certain that this is true?”

  • Can you be 100% certain that you cannot afford it and the money won’t show up? 
  • Can you be 100% certain that it is going to be difficult and that it’s going to take a long time?”
  • The answer is NO, there is no certainty in this negative thinking. Yet, we believe it as if it is true.

Re-source: Recondition

Let’s say something happened in your brain and you could no longer think those kinds of negative thoughts. 

  • How would you feel if you couldn’t think the thought “I can’t do this, it won’t happen, I’m too young, too old, not strong enough, the rules won’t let me, I don’t have the energy, etc.”
  • What If you couldn’t think the thought that it’s going to be difficult to change?
  • What if you couldn’t think the thought that it’s going to be difficult to change having been overweight for the past 25 years?  How would you feel?

Almost always, the answer is the same.  “I would feel free”  “For the first time, I would feel free.”

Don’t believe everything that you think!

  • There is nothing in truth that says that things ought to be the way want or think them to be. 
  • None of those excuses that resonate with you, or that have been programed about yourself since you were a child (whether is about your body, health, finances, relationships, work, talents, etc.) will hold up to you being able to guarantee 100% in certainty that it’s going to true.

Start asking yourself, “How many of these thoughts do I continue to have that no longer serve me?” 

  • Start to take the opposite thought and just decide that I am going to try that one for a day/week/year.

craving and resource from “Inside-Out Wellness” – The Wisdom of Mind/Body Healing – by Dr. Wayne Dyer and Christiane Northrup MD